Eid Abdel aziz Ibrahim Abdallah

Assistant Professor at Structural Engineering

Career Information

Teacher at : 2024-03-25
Teacher Assistant at : 2018-01-01
Demonstrator at : 2012-01-12

Academic Information

M.Sc. : 2017-10-08 From كلية الهندسة جامعة عين شمس
Graduation : june / 2011 From Faculty of Engineering , Ain shams University


- Sayed-Ahmed, E., Shaat, A. and Abdallah, E. '' CFRP-Strengthened HSS Columns Subject to Eccentric Loading '' in ASCE-Journal of
Composites for Construction\Volume 22 Issue 4 - August 2018.


  1. Sayed-Ahmed, E.Y., Shaat, A.A., Abdallah, E.A., " CFRP-Strengthened HSS Columns Subject to Eccentric Loading ", Journal of Composites for Construction, 2018

Research Projects

* Strengthening of HSS beam columns using CFRP laminates.
* Behavior and design of Fin plate to the CHS connections.